Mid Michigan Metal Sales’ contractor discount program is for any company, school, organization, Government or any other entity type that is not a human person.
This program is designed for professionals and to give your company a better competitive edge against your competitors. In turn, as a partnership, we expect you to sell and install more steel roofing and siding in the area. The discount is progressive and can be lost from inactivity, not enough purchases, or too many returns.
The program is simple and the terms are outlined below.
- The discount program is for businesses, schools, farms, organizations, government agencies, or any other entity type that is not a human person.
- Entities must pass the spend threshold of $10,000 within a 6 month period before any discount will be applied to new orders. (Threshold can be waived for builders/contractors with current builders’ Licenses)
- Your account will be reviewed throughout the year to see if you qualify for the next tier. To keep your current discount, you will have to meet the spending requirements outlined below within a year period.
- Discounts are only valid on Hardy Rib, EconoRib, and Hardy Standing Seam panels and trims. Along with any in-stock products that go along with the above, including fasteners, caulk, felt, and closure strips.
- Discounts will not be valid on any special-order products, including Unified Stone Coated Shingles, EDCO Products, special order panels, or any other product deemed special order by the salesperson at the time of sale.
- Returns will be taken into consideration, as professional roofing companies should have very few returns. Due to the fact that returns are typically scraped due to damage caused by traveling back and forth. If we feel returns are being abused or used excessively, the tier you are in will be adjusted to a lower tier.
Discounts tiers are as follows, (discount tiers are per year of total spending from Jan 1st to Dec 31st.)
Tier 2 (2% off): $10,000 spent on Hardy Rib, EconoRib, or Standing Seam in a 6 month period.
Tier 3 (3% off): $20,000 spent on Hardy Rib, EconoRib, or Standing Seam in one year.
Tier 4 (4% off): $30,000 spent on Hardy Rib, EconoRib, or Standing Seam in one year.
Tier 5 (5% off): $50,000+ spent on Hardy Rib, EconoRib, or Standing Seam in one year.
If you do not meet the minimum spending requirements for a period. Your discount will be downgraded to the appropriate spending discount level.
The contractors discount program was last updated/changed 8-1-2023.
Grandfathered discounts can be lost if the above requirements are not met.
**This program was made to be a partnership between you, the contractor, and us MMMS. These are not guaranteed tiers just because you meet the spending requirements. All business relationship factors will be examined and used to determine the tier level granted.**
If you have any questions regarding the contractor’s discount program or would like to check your status in the program please call 810-744-0344.